This free printable design in neutral tones lets every girl or boy know to dream big. The elephant’s ears do have the tiniest hint of pink, but that’s just the nature of… well… ears.
Let’s not forget that color connotations are largely culturally defined.
A while back, I found out that in Japan pink is traditionally seen as a masculine color. It is the shade of those beautiful cherry tree petals blowing in the wind… Maybe you’ve come across an image of such a scene at some point – if not, there’s lots of them on Pinterest.
The pink cherry blossom petals symbolize the souls of warriors who have passed. As such, pink is a far more viril color in Japan than what we are used to in the so-called Western world.
How fascinating is that?
Download your Free Printable ‘Dream Big Little One’ Elephant
Download the printable design free of charge here. (Link opens in a new tab.)
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Thanks and enjoy! 🙂