Jelly jar labels that are free and printable, for your mason jars and other handmade goods in need of indentification. These jelly jar labels are 2.5 inches diameter, but they can always be printed smaller, to adjust to the size you need. If you stick with the current size, when printed on an 8.5 x 11 size sheet of (sticker) paper, these labels should exactly fit a mason jar screw-lid.
Jelly jar labels printable sheet

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Relevant fact
Mason jars are often used to store homemade goods as jelly and jam. They were invented by John Landis Mason in 1858. After the patent expired, many different companies continued to fabricate the jars. By that time, people were so used to the term “Mason jars” that we still call them after their inventor John Mason today.
Random fact – nothing to do with mason jars or jelly jar labels, but fun to know!
Sergey Brin and Larry Page were studying information technology at Standford University, when they wanted to find a faster way to search the web for relevant pages. First they built a computer in Larry’s dorm room with as much memory and capacity as they could afford. They worked together on a first generation search engine, called ‘BackRub’. Because none of the existing computer- or internetcompanies was interested in buying their creation, so they started their own company with financial aid from friend and family.
One friend in particular saw the potential of what Sergey and Larry were doing. He wrote them a 100,000 dollar cheque, that remained in a desk drawer for a week, because they had yet to register their company! Despite the fact companies had rejected the offer, the search egine became very popular with the crowd. When the servers became too big for Larry’s dorm, they moved to a garage and from there to a facility with multiple buildings in Silicon Valley. Sergey and Larry named their company “google”.
Rare Word
The word google is the term mathematicians use for a 1 followed by 100 zero’s. And through google, a small once company started by two students with a dream, you have perhaps found the free jelly jar labels on this page.
How to cut out round labels
A brilliant tool to punch out these jelly jar labels can be found on Amazon. Have a look at this link or if it is no longer active just search Amamzon for a “round paper punch 2.5 inch”.
So much easier than scissors, a puch will save you a lot of time and blisters on your finger! Different sizes are available, from 1/2 inch up to 3 inches. Give your local Office Max a call to check on their selection of round paper punches, they might have some as well.
Psychology: Core Concepts, by Philip Zimbardo, Robert Johnson and Vivian McCann
Other possible search terms:
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